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Composition of lubrication system construction
2023-11-30 16:46:03

What is an automatic grease system? An automatic grease system, commonly known as a centralized lubricationsystem, is a system that delivers precisely controled grease to one or more lubrication points on the machine while themachine is running. Automatic grease lubrication pumps are electric pumps that provide lubrication to industrialequipment. Lubrication is a very important factor in the oil pump, which often determines the quality of the oil delivery.Because only if the pipes are fully lubricated can the smooth transfer of oil be guaranteed.So how does an automatic lubrication system work?

it is composed of oil supply device, fltration device, instrument and signal device. Oil supply device: organic oil pump, oilpassage, oil pipe, pressure limiting valve, etc., can make the oil fow in the circulation system at a fixed pressure andflow. Filtration device: There are filter collectors and oil flters to remove impurities and oil in the lubrication systemnstruments and signaling devices: There are blockage indicators, pressure sensor pluas, oil pressure alarms anooressure gauges, etc., so that you can know the operation f the lubrication system at any time. lts working principle: themain oil pump sucks in lubricating oil from the oil pan, and then pumps the lubricating oil into the oil cooler, and thecooled lubricating oil enters the main oil pipe in the lower part of the body after filtering through the oil filter, and istransported to each lubrication point under the action of pressure.
The lubrication system has the effect of lubrication, which can lubricate the surface of the part, reduce frictionaresistance and wear. Cleaning effect: The oil is constantly circulating in the lubrication system, cleaning the frictiorsurface, taking away abrasive debris and other foreign matter. Cooling effect: The continuous circulation of oil in thelubrication system can also take away the heat generated by friction and play a cooling role. Sealing function: form an oilfilm between moving parts, improve their tightness, and help prevent air leakage or oil leakage. Ant-rust effect: form anoil film on the surface of the part, protect the surface of the part, and prevent corrosion and rust. Hydraulic functionLubricating oil can also be used as hydraulic oil, such as hydraulic support, play a hydraulic role. Vibration damping andcushioning: forms an oil film on the surface of moving parts, absorbs shock and reduces vibration.Automatic grease systems do not require manual operation like manual lubrication systems, reducing your routinemaintenance work. Enables you to spend more time solving urgent problems.

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