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Centralised lubrication with one to one control
2023-11-30 16:33:53

Centralized lubrication systems are designed to deliver lubricant precisely to the desired area with the help of computercontrol. Mechanical parts are often subject to wear, so they require dense lubricants such as grease or oil to reduce

wear and tear, The centralized lubrication system can be monitored electrically by pressure and level switches, as welas by visual monitoring, and the operation is stable and reliable.However, delivering the right amount of viscous liquid to the part at the right time is a challenge. Whether you're applyinggrease to the axles of a construction vehicle or oiling entire presses and other production equipment. The advantage ofthese lubrication systems is to increase accuracv and reduce the risk of human error. especially when multiole machinesand parts are involved. Of course, there are some disadvantages, especially if the operators and maintenance personnefall into the common trap of thinking that a centralized lubrication system wil solve all lubrication problems and stopscrutinizing and properly maintaining the system, which is obviously not an option.The piping structure of the centralized lubrication system is simple and inexpensive. The mechanism is compact, theenvironment is harsh, and there are important lubrication parts in important parts, which can realize automatic refuelingand improve the reliability of refueling. Each lubrication point has a predetermined amount of fat and no fat is wasted. Inall lubricated parts, alarm signals can be issued whenever there is a blockage, so that the entire system can bemonitored as long as the operation of the primary distributor is monitored.The refueling reliability of centralizedlubrication is high, centralized one-to-one control is adopted, and the pressure of each lubrication point is large. The oilsupply can be according to the actual situation
The lubrication point needs to be adiusted at any time, the adjustment range is wide, the accuracy is high, and it is veryconvenient, Ability to multi-level, independent, quantitative supply. The system software processes high-sensitivitysensor feedback in real time and monitors the lubrication status at each lubrication point. When blockage or leakagealarm lights and text displays can accurately display the fault, which is convenient for maintenance personnel to dealwith cuicklv and accuratel. n the lubrication system. the control svstem automatically controls the lubrication of eachubrication point without affecting the lubrication of other lubrication points. The supply of lubricating oil can be adiustedautomatically, and various combinations can meet various lubrication reauirements and be environmentally friendlv.

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